Senin, 15 April 2013

Example of Report Text, Hortatory, and Spoof

A. Report Text

            Chickens are one kind of aves.
            They are vertebrate animals. They belong to aves class. Chickens breath with pulmo. They have two wings but can’t fly. Some species can use for pets contest.
            There are many kind of chickens, like : serama, bangkok, broiller ,etc. They have many different structure of body. Some chickens eat corn, rice, warm, etc. So, they are omnivora.
            Reproduction of chickens with egg.  Time of hatch chickens is 21 days. After crack, baby chicken not some with mother. In growing up, chickens have procces metarmophosa.
            In daily life, chickens are material foods. That tight food, example : opor ayam, fried chicken, sate ayam, etc.

B. Hortatory

            Ceremony is an activity that we must do on every Monday or on the national days. Why we must do ceremony?
            Firstly, ceremony can make student understand of the important of heroist. Because the rubber heroes ago already fought from colonizer. Without they, we can’t feel situation like now. That for, we must for fill it, and one example is we do ceremony.
            Secondly, ceremony can make dicipline in ourselves. In the ceremonym we must be abided by head ceremony. And in yhe ceremony, there are rules about form line. Slowly, we used for comport oneselft dicipline.
            For all, we think ceremony is very inportant. They can make ourselfs more better. For it, we recommended to do ceremony every when.

C. Spoof Text
Writing Short Story

            One afternoon after school, Edgar suddenly called me, “Brother... Brother...”. And then I said, “Yeah.,,, What?”. “Because of you, now Anggi so like to write short story”Said Edgar. “Is that true?” Asked me. “Yes, Brother”. Answer Edgar. “If so, deliver me to Anggi”. “OK, lets go.”. And then I walked into the Anggi’s bedroom with Edgar. We past teh stair  leading into Anggi’s bedroom. Arriving in front of Anggi’s bedroom, I knocked on her door, but no response. I tryng to tap anymore but still. Finally, I decided to open the door. After I open, all the dark. There are only light that are on the learn table. And there look Anggi. Then, I went Anggi and I said, “Anggi. Edgar said that you now like writing?”. “Yes, I wrote short story. Really scary short story”. Answered Anggi. “If so, I want to read your short story”. “Well, this short story”. Then I read the Anggis’s story. Her short story was like this

Ghost School
                Ago, at school there was a kid inside the shed and then dead. A few years later, the shed was dismantled and used as a bathroom. Kringggg... kringggg... The sound of the breaktime ball rang. “Clara, you know that this school is haunted loohhh?’ Said Yuli. “No. Was a lie” Replied Clara. “Up to you” said Yuli. Then 3rd graded hated 2nd graded. END

Then Anggi asked me “Scare or not, Brother?”. I answer,”I scary having a sister like you.”

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